Discover how team building can leverage DISC to develop trust and engagement for your virtual, hybrid or in-person teams.

Let us know if this sounds familiar...

-The team is not working like a smooth oiled machine.

-There is a communication disconnect between team members.

-It’s hard to pinpoint why projects have strayed off track and morale is low.

if that sounds about right, then keep on reading.

You know things
need to change when...

… you’re tired of revenue leaks due to poor teamwork

… you’re tired of team issues that go unaddressed

… you’re tired of being reactive instead of proactive when it comes to developing your team

now is the ideal time for trust building

There are several reasons why now is the best time promote strong team dynamics with team trust building.

Team Reset: When leaders want to find the root causes of poor performance or relationships, not just the symptoms, and determine what to improve.

Team Jump Start: When managers want to get teams off to the right start by learning their strengths and weaknesses. Repeat assessments cn measure improved performance.

Taking a Team to the Next Level: When a team wants to grow and improve, leaders can get a vital baseline and actions to take the team to the next level.

team building doesn't have to be hard.

Imagine how it would feel to...

… create a safe environment to discuss team issues

… get to the root of team issues quickly and find potential issues

… leverage data driven decision making for future team development planning

read up.

There are several ways to decide if trust building is best for your team.

This solution is for you if:

-You need a short term intervention for a team issue

-A project is not working and an outside facilitator would help

-Your team wants to walk through or strategize a plan and needs probing questions

-3-5 team members could benefit from understanding team dynamics

-Team communication needs some skill building

-The issue to be addressed can be handled in two sessions

-You are willing to have team members take workplace and conflict style inventories

This solution is not for you if:

-There is serious conflict between a manager and a team

-Your leadership needs the coaching, but isn’t willing to learn

-You want to use coaching as a substitute for training

-Team problems include violence and addictions

-Team coaching is not supported by leadership

Ready to develop trusting relationships?

let's dig into the details

Here's what you get.


A Communication Style Assessment for Each Team Member

Your team is measured against the DISC workplace communication style inventory and debriefed in a 2 hour session. The details of the team assessment gets you a vital baseline of how to best communicate as a team and suggestions for clearer communication with each team member. in a variety of scenarios. All these best practices will help you tailor a remarkable team experience and take them to the next level of trust building.


Clarity on How Your Team Relates With One Another and Where Predictable Conflict Will Occur

A 2 hour team coaching session is delivered where a leadership coach walks the manager and the team through the Team DISC Report and engages the team to address its development needs in a meaningful manner.

Assessment results will help the team understand why people on your team do what they do, and how they relate to each other.

The overview makes it effortless for your team to understand each other, leading to an almost immediate increase in understanding, forgiveness, and tolerance for each other. 

People are different. They communicate differently. They are motivated by different visions of success. What is important to one person is irrelevant to another.

In most workplaces, this leads to miscommunication and conflict. With DISC insights, you’ll immediately spot where conflict may arise and be able to use simple tips and tricks discussed in the session to handle it, helping your team to work more closely together.

Ready to build a thriving team?

“Team coaching had a huge impact on our organization. Prior to the  intervention, we were struggling with time management issues and our meetings were unproductive. the coaching helped us see the flaws our organization’s culture and helped us learn to manage our time better.  The whole process drew out our individual strengths while fostering greater group synergy.”

B. Kelly, Operations manager

“The team coaching sessions introduced thought provoking questions and helped us tease out problems that we weren’t aware of, helping us solve them before they adversely affected our performance. We also gained a better understanding  of what each team member contributed to our overall success. It provide the skills and education to guard against bad habits. We’ve since gone through difficult times, but as a result of the team coaching sessions we’ve avoided problems.”

S. Covington, healthcare manager


We have the best leadership coaches.

Our coaches bring alot of value to this process because they can have a higher credibility with your team since they are removed from organizational politics. Team members are also likely to be more willing to speak candidly with a coach because they can trust their confidentiality and worry less about repercussions.


Good, because there's something I need to tell you. You need people to reach your business goals. So, investing in them is never a risk.

Have a question? Let's chat.

ready to get started?

Choose your experience...

TEAM building
with disc for entire team


Per team of 11-20 people

1 survey per person
1 report for each individual
One 2-hour virtual team debrief and coaching session
Customized to meet client needs
Call to discuss requirements

team building with disC for
one individual


Per person

Includes one survey
1 Report for individual
One-hour virtual report debrief and coaching session
Customized to meet client needs
One year of follow up tips